Wednesday, March 29th, 2017 by Brickfinder

The LEGO Star Wars 2017 Summer sets were first previewed during the New York Toy Fair but now thanks to the Dutch Online store Sinqel, we finally have the first official images.
I’m really looking forward to the Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike (75532) set as it is the first “vehicle” that is designed for the build-able figures. Hopefully they will release more in the future.
LEGO Star Wars: Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike (75532)
- 452 pieces
- RRP: USD$54.99 / 54,99€

LEGO Star Wars: Rathtar Escape (75180)
- 836 pieces
- Han Solo, Chewbacca, Bala-Tik, Guavian Enforcer (x2)
- RRP: USD$79.99 / 89.99€

LEGO Star Wars: Tracker I (75185)
- 557 pieces
- Rowan, Emperor Palpatine, M-OC Hunter Droid, Probe Droid
- RRP: USD$69.99 / 79.99€

LEGO Star Wars: Republic Fighter Tank (75182)
- 305 pieces
- Aayla Secura, Clone Trooper Gunner, Battle Droid (x2)
- RRP: USD$24.99 / £34.99 / 29.99€

LEGO Star Wars The Arrowhead (75186)
- 775 pieces
- Zander, Kordi, RO-GR, Quarrie, Stormtrooper
- RRP: USD$89.99 / 89.99€

LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader Transformation (75183)
- 282 pieces
- Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker
- RRP: USD$24.99 / 29.99€

LEGO Star Wars Jakku Quadjumper (75178)
- 457 pieces
- Rey, Finn, BB-8, Unkar’s Thug, First Order Stormtrooper
- RRP: USD$49.99 /69.99€

LEGO Star Wars Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack (75167)
- 122 pieces
- Dengar, Bossk, IG-88, 4-LOM
- RRP: USD$14.99 / 14.99€

LEGO Star Wars First Order Transport Speeder Battle Pack (75166)
- 117 pieces
- First Order Stormtrooper (x2), First Order Flametrooper, First Order Officer
- RRP: USD$14.99 / 14.99€

LEGO Star Wars Stormtrooper Commander (75531)
- 100 pieces
- RRP: USD$24.99 / 24.99€

I feel that the LEGO Star Wars Bounty Hunter Speeder Bike Battle Pack (75167) is a nice little set to pick up as it has four different the bounty hunters that were part of sets that have already ended their run and are a bit harder to find now.
(Thanks to Michael for the heads up!)
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